August 17, 2012

Playing a show at The Viper Room Sat. Aug 25th at 9pm with the band HARRP for the Beta Wolf CD release show! Go to the website for all the details. There will be a raffle for prize giveaways, and a free download for everyone attending the show. You'll be given a download code once you've purchased a ticket at the door. There are plans to get back to the studio in October to start recording three new songs!

The Andie Evans Band is wrapping up guitars on her first 5 song EP! I had the pleasure of playing drums on the recording and I'm looking forward to playing some shows after it's mixed/mastered. One show is booked at Maggianos in Beverly Hills where we'll be playing some original songs as well as some covers for a wedding Oct 28th. Stay tuned for more updates!

Thanks for visiting!

Clark Skelton

April 13, 2012

What's up friends. I haven't posted a blog in a while. It's pretty busy in the Skelton camp. We welcomed Tommy Danger Skelton into the world on October 1st 2011! So stoked, he's a really happy baby, thank GOD! Being a father is an amazing experience that gets better everyday!

Music has been good! I've been busy jamming/gigging with a couple new bands. Harrp and The Andie Evans Band.

Harrp will be playing gigs soon so lookout for upcoming dates!

The Andie Evans Band is currently playing live shows through LA. We're doing pre production to record an EP.

Melotia is currently on hiatus from playing live shows. We've been focusing on publishing/licensing. We had our song " A Serenade Of Love " placed in an upcoming documentary called Stolen Seas. The director also directed the critically acclaimed The Tillman Story. We also inked a deal with the licensing company Mighty Generation Music. We're stoked to be working with them. They excepted our entire catalog and are currently shopping our music for tv and movies! There has been talk of Ryan and I recording some songs we'd written before the hiatus. Stay tuned.....

Clark Skelton

May 8, 2011
How's everyone! I just wanted to give everyone a shout about what's on the radar. Melotia just released 'In Valor And Virtue' Part 1 of three EP's available for free download at along with a new video for the first single 'We Are The Chosen'.

Melotia has been booked to play a show in Modesto July 21st at The Fat Cat. I want to see everyone of my nor cal family at this one. It has been to long. We have around six other songs written to follow the four new songs for free download available at ; ) I've also been keeping busy tracking and performing with Kingdom Of Excess The long overdue album will be out sometime in the near future. I've also been performing lately at the House of Blues West Hollywood playing cajon, conga's, and shaker with the highly talented T and A Live It also feature's the talented bass player Eliot Lorango. Keep an eye out for Eliot, he's going places.

I'm going to try and set this up so I can update this blog frequently. Feel free to contact me about drums, lessons, music, or future shows near you!

"Smile and help others"

Clark Skelton

2nd November, 2010

The San Francisco Giants are the 2010 World Series champs! Who would've thought, I was hoping they'd make the wild card after the All Star break. I love it! How's everyone doing out there? Tomorrow is the Mid Term election. Go out and vote. It makes a difference.

Melotia just finished a new recording. It will be available on a date TBA after the new year. The four songs were recorded at Mid City Sound in North Hollywood, CA by Jeff Hannan. It was mastered at Lurssen Mastering by Rueben Cohen. We plan to release a video for the song "We Are The Chosen" early in 2011. Be on the lookout for that and shows! That's right I said shows ... hopefully we'll be playing again after the New Year. We haven't played a gig since Sept. 28th 2009.

Clark Skelton

19th February, 2010

How's everyone doing out there? Has everyone been watching the Olympics? The US is kicking some ass! Congrats to all the athletes who are representing their countries and winning medals. Melotia is still hammering out this new recording. We were getting it done fast until the power's at be halted our progress. Drums, bass, and guitar's are done. We still need to finish vocals, followed by back up vocals and then we can start on the next recording. No shows are booked at the moment but keep your eye out for the next show as soon as the recording is finished. Can't wait to play again! In other news Melotia is going to start working with MissNomers Music Services. She will be shopping our songs to various film, tv, video games, etc.

Clear your calender for Thursday Feb 25th 8;30pm! Kingdom of Excess will be playing a show in Glendale, CA with Blonde Jovi (Sara's band) Here's the details: Labrie's formerly the Scene 806 E. Colorado Blvd. See you there! We'll then be heading to Los Alamitos Feb 27th to record 7 new tracks for the new album titled "Welcome to My Head". Also the new website is finished check it out! Stay tuned for the new songs.....

Clark Skelton

16th December, 2009

Welcome and thank you for visiting. How's everyone's night, week, month, year going? Please don't be shy if you feel like sharing any thoughts. Since this is only the second blog and we're already near the end of 2009, I'll treat this as a year in review blog. Don't worry I'll keep it brief because I know how busy everyone is. Right now I'm watching the Monday night football game and typing at the same time. The game has been tevo'd and I'm fast forwarding through the commercials. It's the best way to watch a game. My Niners are beating up on the poor Cardinals, " love it ". Okay let's get down to business. I spent some time this weekend posting on, and promoting the website. Here are the links:

Music is always busy, which is a good thing. So far this year it's the same routine with a couple of new things on the horizon. Melotia is in writing mode again. We go into the studio Jan 2010. We'll be recording three new songs and then shopping them to various contacts. I'd like to get them placed in some MMA fights, commercials, etc. I can see a fighter coming out of the tunnel to a Melotia song and then annihilating his opponent! We'll be resuming shows again in 2010, so if you want to hear us in your city please drop me a line and I'll get our booking agent on it ASAP. Our singer Ryan David has been releasing his solo material this past month with more songs coming in the new year as well. I'm very pleased to be a part of it. You can hear his music at Also I've been recording drum tracks with another project called Kingdom of Excess ( I'm having a blast playing with my good friends Steve Brundage and CP (aka Christian Pederson). It's sleazy, bluesy and full of surprises. On another note my gabba Sara Skelton is recording with her band The Knight Riders. I went down to their recording session this past weekend and it sounds great! Be on the look out for this bunch. They're the only band I know who play iPhone scrabble with each other while they're in the same room. Haha ... love you guys and gal :) ... Well I'm getting pretty tired so I'm going to end this blog for now. Feel free to blog me back about anything. Really, anything if you want to. "Shameless self promotion" ... please don't forget all my current recordings are for sale through this website. Just click on credits.

What song is this? "You should've been gone. Knowing how I made you feel" ... Here's a hint ... He's from Northern CA. If you google you're disqualified. Free prize to whoever has the correct answer.

Clark Skelton

7th December, 2009
Thank you for visiting my new website I will be updating this section periodically with upcoming shows, news and random everday life experiences. I'm a working drummer available for recording sessions, paid gigs and private lessons. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.


24th October, 2009
What's going on! I'm looking forward to writing some new material. Our last record was a growing process. We had to learn to operate as a three piece. We're tighter than ever and we are by far a different band onstage and in the studio. The last three shows of 2009 were killer. We've posted new pics, and RD's blog sums up the the rest of the year for us. You won't hear us playing the same set over and over again. No....No....No.......! Time for some new stuff babe. We'll be recording the new live favorite " We Are The Chosen " along with 20-40 songs. RD has done it once again and wrote a hooky gem. The chorus sounds so epic! Uh I love it. Until then we hope to see you out on the scene, in a bar, or at your local 7 Eleven consuming protein bars, sugar free Red Bull, and Twinkies!